Business Consulting
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Executive Search
Business "Improvement" Surveys
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The GAP Analysis
Business Overview
POWER CONSULTING AND SEARCH is a National Consulting & Executive Search Firm servicing companies in Texas and their National Locations.
Copyright © Power Consulting and Search 2012. All Rights Reserved.
“When operating deep inside a business we may not see the "G A P S”
What are G A P S?
How do we identify them?
How do we close them?
“If you can measure it you can control it!”
Survey Methodology
Step 1: Client Interview: Establish needs of client and value of survey.
Step 2: Documentation of Scope of Work to be performed for client
Step 3: Work Performed
Qualitative and quantitative survey of the business to identify major gaps
Step 4: Client Presentation
Preliminary Findings & Major Observations Report with recommendations
for the business to help manage or close gaps
Business Surveys
The Gap Analysis
Qualitative Surveys
BPI & SOPP Audits
Office Address (by appointment only) 1 Chamber Way, Georgetown, Texas 78626
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